Références sélectionnées

Capus, L., Parks, S., & Priego, S. (2021). A first feedback on the use of Tandem Canada, a web platform for language learning in tandem. Proceedings of the 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (pp. 8689-8693). ISBN: 978-84-09-27666-0.  doi: 10.21125/inted.2021.1804

Flick, L. (2013). Motivating francophone ESL learners in Quebec: A pilot study on the potential role of etandem with anglophone peers in Ontario (Mémoire de maîtrise). University of Ottawa, Ottawa.

Giguère, C. (2016). Child-to-child interaction and corrective feedback during a tandem chat exchange project (Mémoire de maitrise). Université Laval.

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Parks, S., Priego, S., & Capus, L. (2023). Innovating with eTandem in Canadian school contexts: Challenges and strategies for moving forward. Proceedings of ICERI 2023 Conference (pp. 4057-4064). ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8. doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023

Parks, S., Capus, L., & Priego, S. (2019). Let's Speak English! Parlons français -  Introducing the ESL-FSL Tandem Canada Platform. SPEAQ News, Fall issue.

Parks, S., & Priego, S. (2017). A tandem approach to language learning: Re-envisioning the teaching and learning of ESL-FSL in Canada/ L’approche en tandem de l’apprentissage des langues: envisager autrement l’enseignement et l’apprentissage de l’ALS-FLS au Canada. Réflexions (CASLT/ACPLS), 36(3), 27-33.

Parks, S., Priego, S., & Capus, L. (2022). Parlons français! Let’s speak English! Introducing Tandem language learning and the Tandem Canada Platform. Canadian Parents for French Magazine.

Parks, S., Priego, S., & Capus, L. (2023). Envisager autrement l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des langues secondes: l'approche eTandem. Rapport de recherchehttps://frq.gouv.qc.ca/app/uploads/2024/04/rapport-de-recherche_susan-parks_approche-etandem.pdf

Parks, S., Priego, S., & Capus, L. (2023). Envisager autrement l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des langues secondes: l'approche eTandem. Résuméhttps://frq.gouv.qc.ca/app/uploads/2024/04/resume_susan-parks_approche-etandem.pdf

Parks, S., Priego, S., & Capus, L. (2023). Innovating with eTandem in Canadian school contexts: Challenges and strategies for moving forward. Proceedings of ICERI 2023 Conference (pp. 4057-4064). doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.1018

Parks, S., Priego, S., Jennis, T., & Capus, L. (2024). Innovating with eTandem language learning in a Quebec high school class: An Activity theory perspective. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/17501229.2024.2355497 

Parks, S., Priego, S. & Capus, L. (Summer 2024).  French in the ESL class? Ooh la la! The Tandem Language Learning Perspective. SPEAQ Magazine, pp. 30-31.

Priego, S. (2007). An e-mail tandem learning project involving ESL and FSL secondary school students: A sociocultural perspective (Thèse de doctorat). Université Laval, Québec, Canada.

Priego, S. (2011a). Helping each other: Scaffolding in electronic tandem language learning. The International Journal of Knowledge and Society7(2), 133-151.

Priego, S. (2011b). Do secondary second language students benefit from e-mail tandem partner feedback? Proceedings of International Technology, Education and Development 2011 Conference (pp. 2103-2112). Valencia, Espagne. ISBN: 978-84-614-7423-3.

Priego, S. (2014). El papel del estudiante en el aprendizaje de lenguas en tándem por internet. In J. Porras-Pulido & A. Peña-Clavel, (Eds.), Investigación en lenguas: Paradigmas, propuestas y perspectivas. Centro de Enseñanza de lenguas Extranjeras (pp. 374-394). ISBN: 978607025111-5.

Priego, S., Parks, S., & Capus, L. (2022). Échanges eTandem français-anglais en contexte d’immersion : que nous dit la recherche? Recherches en bref : Association canadienne des professionnels de l’immersion.

Valdiri, A. (2024). Le cycle eTandem: un parcours pour l’évaluation dans la classe de langue additionnelle. Réflexions, 43(3), 31-34.